30.10.2023 – 15.11.23
Participation in the «Cliff Hanger» exhibition organized by MONAT Gallery, Madrid.
Calle de Los Estudios 7, 28012 Madrid
Paris Art Fair will be held from 22 to 24 September at the Porte de Versailles. My work will be presented by MONAT gallery. Of course I’ll be there during the fair. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me to make an appointment!
The first series of small faceted wall objects is completed. Whether as a unique piece or as a constellation, the spatial effect is impressive. Monochrome, black, abstract, minimal and yet very concrete. There are still a few pieces available…
As part of the Hamburg Architecture Summer, I was invited by the organisers Thomas Vietzke and Jens Borstelmann (Vietzke & Borstelmann Architekten) as a panel guest for the 2nd symposium. The aim of the events was to have different personalities (curator, architectural photographers, landscape architects and designers) develop a vision for the use of the Palmaille (an important connecting thoroughfare between the districts of Altona and Ottensen) and discuss it in situ. With the team from Studio Gourdin, we were able to try out our vision in augmented reality. Really exciting! Many thanks for the invitation!
On the occasion of the Design Biennale of Saint-Étienne (France), the exhibition “Mascarade” took place from 6 to 27 April 2022. Referring to traditional Japanese masks, 30 Japanese artists, as well as designers and graphic artists from other countries were invited to create their own masks. The format, paper grammage and some basic folds were specified. The result was impressive.
The exhibition took place in the exhibition rooms of the Amicale Laïque Chapelon. Many thanks to Pascaline de Glo de Besses (www.constructifs.com) for the invitation!